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Image by Meiying Ng


I believe that kindness can change the world. That and, of course, storytelling.

Read my published short stories here. Hopefully, they will change your world like they did mine.

Genre: Literary Fiction

Fifty-seven-year-old Sabar Kamble finds an unexpected friendship in the woman who lives across her street.

Genre: Humor

William Somerset Maugham's short story, 'The Luncheon' retold, with a modern twist.

A Retelling of the Luncheon.png

Genre: Mystery/Literary Fiction

Arya cannot shake off the feeling that someone is stealing from her. Is this true? Or is this just paranoia?

Genre: Speculative Fiction/Sci-Fi

A Being from another world is sent to Earth on a mission but ends up learning all there is to know about love and humanity from a tiny human.

A Retelling of the Luncheon Cover.png

If you like any of my work, do consider supporting me via my Buy Me A Coffee page.


Thanks and happy reading!

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